Who Can Benefit from Scleral Contact Lenses?

When it comes to improving vision, many patients automatically think of traditional soft contact lenses or glasses. However, scleral contact lenses offer a unique and beneficial alternative for those with specific vision needs.

What Are Scleral Contact Lenses?

Scleral contact lenses are larger than standard soft contacts, designed to vault over the entire cornea and rest on the sclera, or white part of the eye. This design creates a smooth surface that corrects vision issues and provides comfort, particularly for those who may struggle with traditional lenses. Scleral lenses also hold a reservoir of fluid between the lens and the cornea, keeping the eye hydrated throughout the day—making them an excellent option for those with severe dry eyes.

Who Can Benefit from Scleral Lenses?

Scleral lenses aren’t for everyone, but for the right patients, they can be life-changing. Here are some common conditions where scleral lenses are often prescribed:

  • Keratoconus: This is a condition where the cornea thins and becomes irregularly shaped, causing distorted vision. Scleral lenses create a smooth surface, improving vision quality for people with keratoconus who cannot be fully corrected with glasses or soft lenses.

  • Severe Dry Eye Syndrome: The fluid reservoir under the scleral lens helps keep the eye moisturized, making them a comfortable option for those who suffer from severe dry eye conditions, especially when other treatments have failed.

  • Irregular Corneas: Patients with corneal irregularities due to conditions like pellucid marginal degeneration, post-LASIK complications, or corneal scarring can greatly benefit from scleral lenses. The rigid material corrects vision distortion by providing a more uniform refractive surface.

  • Post-Corneal Surgery: After corneal surgery, like a corneal transplant or refractive surgery, scleral lenses can help to restore sharp vision by compensating for any irregularities that may have occurred during the healing process.

  • High Astigmatism: Individuals with high or irregular astigmatism may not get the best vision correction from glasses or soft contacts. Scleral lenses can offer a more effective and stable solution.

Getting Fitted for Scleral Lenses

Fitting scleral lenses requires specialized equipment and expertise. At Clarksdale Vision Center, the process begins with a comprehensive eye exam, where we assess your specific needs. We use advanced imaging technology to map the surface of your eye, ensuring that your scleral lenses are custom-fit for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

During the fitting, you'll be guided through the insertion and removal process, which can take some practice. Follow-up appointments ensure the lenses are fitting well and making the improvements needed for your vision and comfort.

Optimizing Your Vision with Clarksdale Vision Center

If you’ve struggled with vision correction or have been told you’re not a candidate for traditional lenses, scleral contact lenses may be the solution for you. Whether you suffer from a condition like keratoconus, severe dry eyes, or have had corneal surgery, these lenses provide a comfortable, reliable option for clearer vision. 

Schedule a consultation with Clarksdale Vision Center to see if scleral lenses are right for you. Contact our office in Clarksdale, Mississippi, by calling (662) 627-2020 to book an appointment today.

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